Onboarding New Bids

Last updated: Jul 17. Zino

Who is involved in this process: Grant Support Squad team + Grantee/bid + stakeholder

Goal of the process:

Welcome Grantee to The Decentraland DAO bidding and tendering flow. Provide valuable information about your project journey. Support the provider and stakeholder (member of the community that summited the Tender) during this process and get to know the project better. Also, during the onboarding, the Grant Manager assigned will evaluate possible risks that this grant could bring to the Program.

Steps of process:

  1. Add the new project information to the database (contact)
  2. Analyze proposal
  3. Send Onboarding First e-mail
  4. Schedule Onboarding Meeting with the provider using email declared in their original proposal
  5. Create dedicated Discord Channel , paste and pin a message welcome
  6. Create a Public Roadmap draft
  7. Have 1st Meeting, you can use this script as a guide. Record the meeting.
  8. Update database with information provided by provider
  9. Send 2nd email - Follow Up
  10. Schedule Roadmap meeting review
  11. Have a Roadmap meeting review
  12. Schedule monthly checking for the vesting contract duration