This report presents findings from the second “Decentraland DAO Community Pulse,” conducted by the Decentraland DAO Facilitation Squad. The purpose of the Community Pulse is to provide both real time sentiment analysis and measure changes in this sentiment over time. Results from this engagement present a baseline indicator of community sentiments as of January 2024. Community Pulse engagements will be conducted quarterly, with the next Pulse opening in April, 2024. At the end of each year, a final report will be drafted presenting analysis of community sentiment and its changes over the year.
This survey is designed to gauge sentiment on a variety of issues pertaining to perceptions of Decentraland DAO governance operations and Core Unit performance. The survey is divided into four sections:
● Operational Priorities: Measuring perceptions on the relative importance of operational components of the DAO. ● DAO Operations: Measuring perceptions on governance process, transparency, DAO committees and DAO-Foundation synergy. ● Core Units: Measuring perceptions of the DAOs primary core units, including the Governance, Grant Support and Facilitation Squads, as well as the Strategic Unit. ● Communications: Measuring perceptions of strategic communications and content, and asking for feedback on the survey process itself.
The Community Pulse was deployed using the Ethelo platform. Ethelo is a community intelligence and participatory decision-making platform. Ethelo uses a unique multi-attribute decision-making engine to analyze millions of scenarios in real time, weighing results against established criteria, such as expressed preferences for the relative importance of each of the DAO’s operational priorities, presenting solutions that accurately represent the viewpoints of each individual community member, and have the broadest level of consensus across the community as a whole.
Throughout the report, findings refer to different scoring metrics, this includes:
● Net Approval Score: Percentage of respondents who gave a positive vote rather than a neutral or negative vote. Approval above 50% is a traditional "majority" ● Support Score: The average value of the votes, where the value of a totally opposing vote is 0 and a totally supportive vote is 100 ● Consensus Score: Measure of the overall strength of the decision, considering both support (higher is better) and conflict (lower is better) ● Conflict Score: Measure of the level of disagreement in a group. Higher conflict scores represent internal resistance and risk of failure
The Community Pulse engagement was open for a period of three weeks from December 12, 2023 to January 17, 2024. During this time, a total of 49 validated respondents participated in the survey.
It is worth noting that the survey was the target of what appears to be an orchestrated “attack” aiming to skew voting data. In total, 69 responses were not included in the final results given failure of the human verification test.
Nearly all responses that failed human verification were also flagged for one or more of the following suspicious activities: use of the same or similar IP addresses - the latter indicating votes came from different devices on the same network; log-on time, survey completion time and voting patterns (e.g. numerous users successively logged into the survey over multiple three hour periods at six minute intervals, with near identical survey completion times and voting patterns, only completing one specific section of the survey.
DAO Operations
The following section presents community satisfaction scores for core operational areas of Decentraland DAO, including: Governance Process, Transparency, DAO Committees and DAO-Foundation Synergy.
Overall, results indicate that community perceptions of Decentraland DAO operations are low, with need for improvement across nearly all areas, particularly in the DAO’s governance process and synergy with the foundation.