This report presents findings of the first “Decentraland DAO Community Pulse,” conducted by the Decentraland DAO Facilitation Squad. This report is a pilot report, and findings from it will be used to present a preliminary assessment of current community perceptions of Decentraland DAO and its operations, as well as to adapt the Community Pulse Data Collection Tool for deployment in subsequent monitoring and evaluation of community sentiments.
This survey is designed to gauge sentiment on a variety of issues, including: strategic direction of the DAO, Core Unit performance, satisfaction with the governance process, satisfaction with transparency, and identifying other areas of interest and/or concern. The Survey is divided into eight sections: Demographics, Satisfaction: Governance, Participation & Decision Making; Governance Issues; Satisfaction: Transparency; DAO-Foundation Synergy; Financials; and Core Unit Performance. The following “scores” are referenced herein to describe survey findings:
A total of 37 participants responded to at least one question of the Community Pulse survey, with an average of 24 participants responding to each question. Twenty-eight (28) participants completed the demographic section of the survey. Of these respondents 81% were between the ages of 24 - 44. With only 11% being over the age of 45, and 8% below the age of 24. Nearly all respondents were from North America (43%) or Europe (43%) with 7% from South American and 7% from Asia.
The greatest proportion of respondents work in the field of Technology/IT (33%) followed by Arts/Entertainment (26%). Notably, responding DAO community members have relatively high levels of engagement with the Decentraland platform, with 50% of respondents indicating they access the in-world platform daily, and 25% several times a week. This compares to 29% of respondents indicating they engage with the DAO daily, and 40% several times a week. Overall, 70 to 75% of respondents access both the platform and engage with the DAO at least several times per week.