Framework voted.pdf

The original framework voted by the community thought a governance proposal has suffer changes regarding the Committee name and the procedure on how to create the initial setup, and writing errors.

This is the Framework with the recommendations made by the Revocations Committee regarding “Art. 6 - Conflict of interest”.

At the end you can find the old documents

Chapter One - General

Art. 1 Spirit

The committee has the sole responsibility to order the revocation of a Grant provided by the Decentraland DAO.

Art. 2 Members

The Revocations Committee is constituted by 5 members and 2 substitutes. Only qualified and trustworthy candidates should be appointed, and Committee members must be able to collaborate and work well together. The committee must be able to act immediately in case of a revocation request.

Art. 3 Procedure how to create,  add/remove a Revocations Committee Member

To create the initial Committee- *( to unify criteria we´ve used this Governance Proposal  as a starting point)*The process for creating this committee of 5 members includes three stages:

I) the open application period in the forum (like the community has done in the past here and here),

II) the Grant Support Squad interviews the candidates and makes a final selection of 5 members and 2 substitutes, and a

III) Meet and vote for the candidates: The Facilitation Squad would host an open session where the selected five candidates and two substitutes can be introduced. Then the Grant Support Squad would submit one poll per candidate, following the DAO Committee´s procedure. This will improve the previously voted procedure, give the community the opportunity to meet the members and also have the possibility of accepting or rejecting each of them in their own separate poll.

IV) final poll (complete governance process) for the community to accept or decline this selection. This process will be repeated when the committee has to be renewed.

To add a member -

Once this committee is created, the process for adding a new Revocations Committee member includes three stages: I) the open application period in the forum in charge of the Grant Support Squad, II) the committee in office interviews the candidates for the vacancy position and makes a final selection of the potential member from the applicants, III) and the community votes in a poll for the best fit.